Wall mounted volleyball system (2 posts) made of galvanized and varnished tubular steel with supporting plates to be fixed to the wall by using plugs. Complete with sliding system for the height regulation of the net with blocking knob.
Wall mounted volleyball system (2 posts) made of galvanized and varnished tubular steel with supporting plates to be fixed to the wall by using plugs. Complete with sliding system for the height regulation of the net with blocking knob. Including net tensioner device installed in one of the 2 posts.
Pair of protective pads for volleyball systems S04702 and S04704. Made of soft foam covered by coloured washable synthetic material. Easy to be applied and removed by means of velcro strips.
Freestanding portable volleyball system (2 post), school model. Each post having central galvanized steel main tube, diameter 60 mm, mounted onto varnished steel base to be fixed to the ground, equipped with nylon transport wheels. Varnished steel reinforcing tube on the back side of main post. Complete with sliding system for the height regulation of the net with blocking knob. Including net tensioner device installed in one of the 2 posts and ground fixing accessories.
Pair of protective pads for volleyball systems S04708. Made of soft foam covered by coloured washable synthetic material. Easy to be applied and removed by means of velcro strips.
Freestanding portable volleyball system (2 post), reinforced model. Each post having central galvanized steel main tube, diameter 60 mm, mounted onto varnished steel base to be fixed to the ground, equipped with nylon transport wheels. Varnished steel reinforcing tubes welded to the main base. Complete with sliding system for the height regulation of the net with blocking knob. Including net tensioner device installed in one of the 2 posts and ground fixing accessories.
Pair of protective pads for volleyball systems S04712. Made of soft foam covered by coloured washable synthetic material. Easy to be applied and removed by means of velcro strips.
Freestanding portable volleyball system (2 posts), aluminium model. Main posts made of aluminium, oval profile 120×100 mm, with inner reinforcement and sliding system for the height regulation of the net with blocking knob. Varnished steel base to be fixed to the ground, equipped with nylon transport wheels. Varnished steel reinforcing tubes connecting upper part of aluminium post to the base. Including net tensioner device installed in one of the 2 posts and ground fixing accessories. In accordance to EN 1271
Freestanding portable volleyball system S04716 equipped with larger wheels and box to be filled with ballast
Pair of protective pads for volleyball systems S04716. Made of soft foam covered by coloured washable synthetic material. Easy to be applied and removed by means of velcro strips.
Hot-dip galvanized steel volleyball system (2 posts) with ground sockets. Main post diameter 100 mm to be inserted inside socket to be cemented into the ground. Complete with sliding system for the height regulation of the net with blocking knob. Including ground sockets and lids made of hot-dip galvanized steel. Including net tensioner device installed in one of the 2 posts. Suggested for outdoor use.
Galvanized steel volleyball system (2 posts) with ground sockets. Galvanized steel main post diameter 100 mm to be inserted inside socket to be cemented into the ground. Complete with sliding system for the height regulation of the net with blocking knob. Including ground sockets and lids made of galvanized steel. Including net tensioner device installed in one of the 2 posts.
Pair of protective pads for volleyball systems S04721 or S04722. Made of soft foam covered by coloured washable synthetic material. Easy to be applied and removed by means of velcro strips.
Varnished steel volleyball system (2 posts) with ground sockets, model in accordance to FIVB rules. Varnished steel main post diameter 80 mm, high thickness, to be inserted inside socket to be cemented into the ground. Telescopic solution for the height regulation of the net and inner device for tensioning the net by means of same handle to be removed after use. Including ground sockets and lids made of galvanized steel. Including protective pads made of soft foam covered by coloured washable synthetic material, easy to be applied and removed by means of velcro strips.
Aluminium volleyball system (2 posts) with ground sockets, model FIVB approved for international competitions. Telescopic solution for the height regulation of the net and outside device for tensioning the net applied to one of the 2 posts. Including ground sockets and adjustable lids made of galvanized steel
Pair of protective pads for volleyball system, FIVB approved for international competitions. Made of shaped polyurethane foam.
Varnished aluminium volleyball system (2 posts) with ground sockets. Main posts made of aluminium, oval profile 120×100 mm, with inner reinforcement and sliding system for the height regulation of the net with blocking knob. Including net tensioner device installed in one of the 2 posts and ground fixing accessories. Including ground sockets and lids made of aluminium.
Varnished aluminium volleyball system (2 posts) with ground sockets. Main posts made of aluminium, oval profile 120×100 mm, with inner reinforcement and telescopic system for the height regulation of the net. Including net tensioner device installed in one of the 2 posts and ground fixing accessories. Including ground sockets and lids made of aluminium. In accordance to EN 1271
Pair of protective pads for volleyball systems S04732. Made of soft foam covered by coloured washable synthetic material. Easy to be applied and removed by means of velcro strips.
Aluminium volleyball system (2 posts) with ground sockets, model in accordance to DIN 7896 rule. Main post made of aluminium, round section 100 mm, thickness 5 mm, with inner reinforcment and sliding system for the height regulation of the net with blocking knobs. Including outside net tensioner device installed in one of the 2 posts. Including ground sockets made of aluminium and protective pads made of soft foam covered by coloured washable synthetic material, easy to be applied and removed by means of velcro strips.
The wide selection of volleyball equipment offered by Sport System includes different models of portable volleyball posts for schools or professional competitions that can be fixed on the wall or monotubular volleyball posts made of steel or aluminium (each one with protective pads), in addition to different types of nets and chairs for referees.
In our catalogue there are also protective pads for volleyball net posts of different types: they are made of foam rubber covered with synthetic fabric or high-strength polyurethane, and they are also FIVB approved for international competitions.
Sport System provides high-quality volleyball equipment, for competitions both at school level and at professional or amateur level. Sport System is an internationally known brand and a famous official provider of Jinling equipment, approved for international competitions.
In our catalogue there are different typologies of removable volleyball posts and pads to protect every kind of free-standing volleyball system. The whole staff of Sport System is at your complete disposal to give you further information about all the products available in our catalogue.
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